Say No To Bullying
Many of us who have a disability, or who love someone with a disability have faced bullying. Some members of our society respond to difference through bullying. Difference…
Time to evaluate your services?
For many of us, disability is not static. It changes over time, some people finding that with the services that they are receiving that they are closer to…
Need help with daily tasks? Our Daily Assistance Team can help
There are countless daily tasks that many of us take for granted. Making our bed, doing the laundry, preparing meals, doing the shopping and cleaning the house. This…
Finishing school, but not ready for work? Help is available
What skills do you need to get a job? NDIS can fund school leaver employment supports for up to two years, depending on your circumstances. The funds are…
Employment Support for School Leavers – A Chance to Protect your Future
Finishing school is a major milestone and if you are not sure what is next it can be pretty scary. Disability Integrity Hub is excited to invite school…
As our state begins to warm up, stay safe.
Australia’s summers can be hard on all of us, but particularly on people with disability. In November we are writing three blogs. This one on living with extreme…
Behaviour support can have a big impact on people with disability, their friends and carers
Did you know that you can get behaviour support for someone that you care for with a disability? Of course, not every person with disability needs behaviour support,…
Can counting birds improve your quality of life?
Imagine if you, as a person with disability, or as a carer of someone with disability started enjoying greater social activity and stronger relationships. You felt happier, more…
Celebrating carers during Carers Week!
It’s National Carers Week and time to celebrate the many family members and friends who care for people with disability. This can be both a challenging and rewarding…