There are countless daily tasks that many of us take for granted. Making our bed, doing the laundry, preparing meals, doing the shopping and cleaning the house.

This is not always true for people with disability. Some people need assistance with most household tasks, where others may be able to make their bed, but not safely prepare a meal.

Integrity Disability Hub employs workers who can assist a person with disability to carry out domestic tasks, maintain your garden, or assist in some other daily task that you are unable to do yourself due to disability.

Our staff are friendly and keen to help you. All staff are experienced, screened and police checked. They also undergo further in-house checks, because your safety is paramount to us, as is getting the assistance you need to be able to get the most out of your day.

Get in touch if you would like to discuss how Integrity Disability Hub can assist you or someone you love who lives with a disability.