It’s National Carers Week and time to celebrate the many family members and friends who care for people with disability. This can be both a challenging and rewarding job and for many goes throughout the lifetime of the person with disability.

If you are a carer, you probably already know that there is a great deal of support available, although sometimes accessing that support can feel overwhelming. The Carer Gateway website identifies respite, financial help, skills, counselling and much more.

One of their articles – Are you a parent? 10 ways to make your life easier   gives tips to help parents they include

  • Connect with other carers
  • Make an emergency care plan
  • Explore the payments you may be able to get
  • Get help at home
  • Find out what equipment or home changes might help
  • Think about what legal arrangements you will need to make
  • Get tips on how to work with health services
  • Think about how things will change as your child grows
  • Find out how you can combine working and caring
  • Find out what respite care you could get

If you are in need of respite care, please contact us to let us know what your needs are. We would love to hear from you.